Monday, May 12, 2014

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

STOP! and appreciate. This blog shows a trial run of my very first attempt at making 3D images. I had no idea how easy it was to create these so it was surely a great discovery. I believe that they could be better but for my first time I think they came out decent, especially the photo I took of Tower Hall.





Monday, May 5, 2014

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya: Non-Maya Alternative

Hello there.
This assignment I am not as proud of but I can say that I learned a great deal. Maya was giving me trouble as I need to use my older laptop with an older version of Maya and for whatever reason, it kept crashing. My newer laptop is having licensing issues with Maya that I was not able to sort out before this assignment was due. In light of this, I thought that I could successfully recreate the lighting in my Campbell's soup can photograph. As expected, it did prove to be a lot tougher to accomplish this. 

Great assignment, however, not a great execution on my part but I would know what to do differently if and when a challenge like this is introduced once again.